Monday, December 6, 2010

Paintings that inspire mosaic making

This post is about the possible sources of inspiration as well as the basis of work for a mosaic from paintings or photographs. A good design, a drawing, painting or photograph can be translated into mosaic or act as a start for exploration. Not an easy task. I have always made simple drawings for mosaics or copied ancient ones, depending on the project. Today I want to feature 3 artists whose work fascinates me in a particular way as I think they provide a valuable foundation for mosaic work.

The blogs are in order of appearance:

Vasiliki of free paint (peacock)

Catherine Nolin of Catherine Nolin blog (partridge on an orange bench)

Elisabeth of Colorfic (meet the beettles)


  1. I enjoy very much all of them.
    Have a nice week.

  2. so nice to be a cog in the wheel of something bigger.

  3. Oi, eu fiquei feliz e não esperava isso, muito obrigada, admiro também o seu blog, suas pesquisas sobre Mosaico, o que eu nunca vi nada igual em outros blogs. Obrigada por tudo. :)

  4. Πραγματικά πολύ ενδιαφέρουσες οι εργασίες των φίλων σου , μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ το τέταρτο έργο στην σειρά . Θα αναμένω με αγωνία την συνέχεια της έπνευση σου πάνω στα σχετικά θέματα , καλή σου συνέχεια !!!!


Your comments are more than welcome so feel free to add your own tessera to the mosaic here!
Thank you.

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