Thursday, November 4, 2010

Calendar mosaic

We are in November and I still have not put on my boots and I look forward to. Today I want to go back to "ancient moods" and show you an exquisite mosaic from Tunisia with the calendar theme illustrating the seasons and the months, which are named, and illustrated by religious festivities or typical agricultural pursuits." Dated 1st half of the 3rd c. AD. Can you see November? It is 3rd row, 4th to the right, last image. View more mosaics from Tunisia here.


  1. This is superb!! so much beauty and history on it!!

  2. Καλημέρα . Πραγματικά είναι υπέροχο αυτό το μωσαικό και σε μεγέθυνση φαίνεται ακόμη καλύτερα !!!

  3. I like how a few boxes over on the right were left with a geometric filler (in case one of the later emperors decided on dividing the year down a bit further).

    Also, is it just me, or this is the same calendar that Bruno Heller's people used for the television show 'Rome' in the opening sequence?

    In any case, very beautiful mosaic!

  4. Beautiful, beautiful! thank you for visiting TLPC and leaving such a nice comment. The wonderful coffee bar that you are referring to is in New York. I found it through a design blog called Cush Design Studios.

  5. oh wow, seriously stunning, so much work must have gone into this. I find it hard to get over how much work/thought goes into the designs etc.
    I see you've changed your blog lovely! Looking good!
    Have a great weekend.


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