Monday, May 23, 2011

Eggs...out of the blue!

Yesterday I had a very creative afternoon. I don't know where all this came from. I was meaning to work on some patters for cards, then I saw the faberge egg that fascinates me so much and decided to try design something.

All these stuff are basically completely out of the blue.

Then I decided that the first image needed a better quote and then placed an out of the blue, very common I know, but so right!

Have a great week and take as many hours of rest as possible! It will boost your creativity.


  1. This is very eggs-citing!
    I too have had a creative streak this weekend. Maybe it is something in the air.

  2. Mmmm, delicious blue eggs.

    Rest, eh? I'll give that a try.

  3. Ingrid, loved your comment ! What have you been up to?

    Eric, you took my advice seriously! I am happy.


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