Monday, April 4, 2011

Byzantine mosaic card

This is one of the things I have been working on since my last post. I have also been very busy with some charity work and I have finally been able to sit down and take some pictures of my first card. It is composed of mosaics from Constantinople and Thessaloniki and what they have in common (besides being of religious character) is the different tones of gold and blue that blend so fine. The inside of the card is blank. I have also framed the card to see how it looked like as a picture.


  1. This is beautiful.. you are so clever.. and so generous too doing the charity work.

    I think I recognize the mosaics from Constantinople.. I've always loved these gold/blues ones.. Fabulous work

    Have a great week.. ciao xxxx Julie

  2. First class work! It is very framable!

  3. Your work here is very interesting !!!

  4. Lovely work, you are amazing. The bottom part of the image reminds me of the mosaic in the Louvre with one bird in the center of geometrcs.


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Thank you.

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