Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mosaic cards

I have recently came across these stunning mosaic cards, a work of Tamar Hammer who uses illustration, photo-processing and collage to create these lovely images. Naturally I was enarmoured of them and captivated by the mere fact that someone who is not into mosaic making appreciates their strong appeal and of course these are subjects that I would have chosen myself.

Tamar sells her work on etsy here which is not restricted to mosaic.

You can check out her blog.

Also read an interesting interview with Tamar here.


  1. Πολύ όμορφες και πρωτότυπες!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh, these are fabulous!!! Very unique and just all around beautiful. I love the new look of your wonderful blog. Take care.

  3. What a fantastic work!
    Your blog is gorgeous, we'll follow you.
    Thanks for following us.
    Hugs from Brasil

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my cards on your beautiful blog and thank you so much - Theresa Cheek, vasiliki,Casa Bella and Casa Très Chic for your warm comments!
    I Just uploaded to my store (to the Mosaic and Flowers section) 2 new mosaic cards for Valentine's Day:

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  6. Hi there, :) I'm doing fine, thanks! I hope you are well, too. :)
    These are quite nice, especially the choices of mosaics... very intricate.
    Lots of hugs,

  7. Oh I love the 4th one down.. reminds me of an australian artist.. can't think of her name.. must remember and let you know.. it's not mosaic.. just interesting portrayal of faces and angels...

    I just noticed your sidebar image of Hagia Sophia.. it is my favourite church.. well .. one of my favourite shots I took inside that church.. and I also have this same shot.. but not as detailed.. no zoom on my camera back then... Don't feel obliged but if you are interested here is the link;

    Have a lovely weekend.. and thanks for visiting .. ciao xxx Julie

  8. these are really cool...
    really like your blog...<3

    Love, L

  9. What a stunning and unusual blog -- so glad to have found you.
    Thanks for stopping by Nero today, do pop back by soon.
    Cheers, Alcira

  10. very cool....
    i, too am glad you find your blog!
    i'm glad you stopped by
    all the best


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