Friday, November 29, 2013

Authentic and trendy #mosaic jewelery by Simona Canino

Some time ago on this blog, I featured an interview with Simona Canino, an Italian mosaic artist and graduate from Spilimbergo Mosaic School. It was such great news to hear about her Etsy store!

Her work is distinguished by an authentic and versatile style. Some of them are trendy and perfect to wear during the day and for all occasions, whilst others - like this superb pair of earrings featured above - can complement a more dressy outfit - especially a black dress - and make a sensational statement.

Oh and....apart from the mosaic decoration of her accessories, Simona also creates her own settings (bezels)!

Brava Simona!

Be sure to check out her shop I MOSAICI DI SIMONA.

Have a good weekend!

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