Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hungry for mosaic (and Mondrian)

Piet Mondrian Sandwich
This mosaic sandwich, a tribute to Piet Mondrian is the work of artist Brittany Powell and part of her Sandwich Art project, inspired by famous modern and contemporary artists. Britanny Powell used bread with food and condiments to create edible little works of art sandwiches that pay tribute to a specific artist.

Find out more about the Sandwich Art project with more images right here.

Now, let's see more Mondrian!

YSL Mondrian Dress
Mondrian sneakers
A car luggage included
Mondrian face

Dutch artist, Piet Cornelis Mondrian

It's not a coincidence that I chose this specific sandwich for the blog. There's in fact a mosaic character in some of Mondrian's paintings.

Piet Mondrian painting - via guggenheim.org

Piet Mondrian painting - image from romatoday.it
Piet Mondrian painting - image from romatoday.it

Hope you enjoyed this!

A presto!


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