Friday, November 4, 2011

NY Times special report on mosaic art

RAVENNA, ITALY — Mosaic is one of the oldest of the decorative arts and developed into one of the most spectacular. From humble beginnings in such forms as pebbles pressed in patterns into beaten earth floors, at its high points during Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine times mosaic became a sophisticated fine art in itself. 

Read the whole article here

PS. Mosaicology is now on Twitter..I guess I will be twitting a lot more often than blogging at the moment..... Click on the T button to follow me!


  1. Wonderful job!!!
    have a nice weekend

  2. I want to let you know that there is a great new book "The hidden and the revealed" by Lilian Broca. A wonderful story of biblical Esther and Broca's passion for mosaic.
    It will be available Nov. 20 on Amazon.

  3. You must have been thrilled to read this article!


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