Friday, December 21, 2012

Snowflake tile art (and some thoughts about getting a new blog)

At this time of year I always seem to be attracted to snowflake art so I wanted to share this impressive tile design from Bisazza. 

Seems that I'm still attracted to Mosaicology. My first (blog) love. And I see that people want this blog to continue.

I think there's a way to combine everything. Stay tuned.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. The snowflakes look nice on the wall. I've seen some sweater designs this season with snowflakes like that. As a matter of personal preference though, I would not wear a snowflake sweater... :)

  2. Staying tuned! You have a unique blog that I enjoy a lot.

  3. @Theresa, Thank you SO MUCH! Sometimes we "run away" from what our heart desires. I thought it would be a good move to do something different but now I know it wouldn't work for me. :) XO


Your comments are more than welcome so feel free to add your own tessera to the mosaic here!
Thank you.

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