Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Solemnity and beauty in a modern mosaic made with nails
The ancient art of mosaic has gone through great evolution and revolution through the ways that artists have learned to adapt to new socioeconomic and artistic realities and employ new materials.
The new techniques and methods that mosaic artists use today can still manage to capture what mosaic art is about. Not a broken image, not just pieces put together to form an image, not attempts at imitating painting but authentic images that talk and breathe with their vibrant materials (in this case, nails), the interactive dialogue of those materials between them (a dialogue on so many "levels" achieved by different depths and sizes of the mosaic tessera*).
The solemnity suggested by the dynamic and floating texture of the portraits in the second picture created by Andrew Meyers transports us to a very unique roman mosaic portrait masterpiece from Pompeii. Even though these portraits are separated by a little over 2000 years, the artists have been so true to their own technique and created their artwork with such extraordinary craftsmanship that we could almost say that the outcome, is quite similar, at least to my humble view.
"To convey solemnity and beauty in ways that it does perfect justice to the subject and evokes feelings of harmony and inner peace to the audience".
*tessera = The piece of stone, glass, smalti, ceramic or other material with which mosaics are made. The word is Greek and it means 4 (four)
pictures of nail mosaics from http://additionsstyle.blogspot.it
picture of Pompeii mosaic from mosaic art source blog
Monday, March 26, 2012
Flower Festival (Festa dei Fiori) - 1st April 2012, Crevalcore (near Bologna)
Domenica 1 aprile a Crevalcore si terrà la ventesima edizione della “Festa dei Fiori”, mostra mercato di fiori, piante, vasi, ceramiche e attrezzature da giardino.
Inizierà alle 9 del mattino e si chiuderà solo al calar del sole, l’edizione 2012 della “Festa dei Fiori”, durante la quale, oltre all’esposizione di piante e oggetti da giardino, saranno presenti la mostra artistica “Parliamo d’arte sotto i portici”, il mercatino degli hobbisti e il gruppo musicale "I Cuntaden (noi, quelli di mezzo...)".
Per l’occasione il centro storico di Crevalcore sarà un tripudio di colori, profumi e sapori in omaggio alla primavera, ma anche quelli della gastronomia tradizionale.
Info: Pro Loco, tel. 051 988458
Inizierà alle 9 del mattino e si chiuderà solo al calar del sole, l’edizione 2012 della “Festa dei Fiori”, durante la quale, oltre all’esposizione di piante e oggetti da giardino, saranno presenti la mostra artistica “Parliamo d’arte sotto i portici”, il mercatino degli hobbisti e il gruppo musicale "I Cuntaden (noi, quelli di mezzo...)".
Per l’occasione il centro storico di Crevalcore sarà un tripudio di colori, profumi e sapori in omaggio alla primavera, ma anche quelli della gastronomia tradizionale.
Info: Pro Loco, tel. 051 988458
Documenti allegati:
Flower Festival 2012
On Sunday 1st of April in Crevalcore, the 20th edition of "Festa dei Fiori" will take place. The event will host a flea market/exhibition of flowers, plants, pots, ceramics and garden utensils.
The festival starts at 9 am and will end only at sunset, during which, besides the exhibition of plants and objects for the garden, there will be an artistic show called "Let's talk about art under the arcades", a market for hobbyists and a performance by the music group "I Cuntaden" (noi, quelli di mezzo).
For the occasion, the historical town centre of Crevalcore will be a blaze of colours, aromas and flavours paying tribute to not only Spring, but also to the traditional cuisine.Info: Pro Loco, tel. 051 988458
Attached Documents:
My translation of the Italian original text taken from: http://www.comune.crevalcore.bo.it
Monday, March 19, 2012
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