Friday, October 4, 2013

MOSAIC LINKS (best of Sept-Oct 2013)

A selection of articles, events, videos, artists that really worth it.
(September-October 2013) 

RavennaMosaico Festival 2013

First and foremost, the program of the RavennaΜosaicο 2013 festival starting 12 October until 24 November has been released and is available at Besides the gallery openings there will be a variety of other events in the city of Ravenna and this is your chance to get totally imbued in mosaic art.

Chimeras and mosaics
(Phenomena - National Geographic)

An exciting scientific post blending mosaic and SCIENCE. In the article, mosaic art is used as comparison. Check it out HERE.

Sicis O'clock Collection

If you have been following what Sicis has been doing in recent years, this video will confirm your wildest guess. The mirco and nano mosaics here are exquisite. Watch out for the Russian inspiration.

Samantha Holmes

Samantha Holmes is an exceptional artist for the simple materials she uses and the way she breaths new and meaningful life into them. She actually gives them a new identity. The thought process she uses is distinctively rooted into a philosophical approach to life. Another reason why I love her work is that she is using my favourite material: paper. Samantha will be one of the artists to exhibit in the RavennaMosaico festival this year.

A presto!


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