Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Excellent video demonstrating the Ravenna method (double reverse) for making mosaics

This is the best video I have ever come across that shows my favourite method for making mosaics. If you watch this from the beginning till the end you will appreciate why mosaic is expensive, hard to make and mostly why it requires an appropriate space where to cut, assemble and construct your mosaic piece. I really miss that grassello di calce

A presto!


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  1. Thanks Magda for reading my post about Aquileia and Grado and compliments for your beautiful blog :)

    1. You are welcome Sunil. Fa sempre piacere incontrare delle persone con degli interessi simili! Apenna riesco leggerò anche altri post sul tuo blog. :)

  2. what a great video! Thanks for sharing it Magda.

  3. υπέροχο βίντεο! Ευχαριστούμε Μάγδα!


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