Thursday, September 6, 2012

You know how much I love the change

Dear friends,

How's your summer? Hope you are all cool, happy and creative.

I am dropping a few words to say a few important stuff about the blog.

1. Mosaicology has a new look - I know, again - but this time it's perfect. I absolutely love it!!!! Please let me know what you think.

2. There's a GUEST POST coming up very soon which I am sure you will find very beautiful, informative and above all INSPIRING! (Thank you Jane).

3. No more Mosaicology shop. I can't keep up with it at the moment. I am going to let it aside for a while, see how things work for me and hopefully I will either go back to it or I will be doing something else that I will have the time for.

That's it for now! See you soon.



  1. Hello love! I was very glad to see you comment my latest post :) I've been lazy myself lately, but I absolutely adore the new look! Changing means we're alive, right? Lots of kisses to you, xoxo

  2. Love the new means you are not stagnant in life!

  3. Thank you Demi! Feels good to reconnect girl! xoxo

  4. @Theresa, Thank you for your kind words. Hope to see you in Italy soon!


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