Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Invitation to a ...Tuscan Dance (Baldwin and Barbieri at CERSAIE Bologna September 2012)

I mentioned the CERSAIE event previously on this blog when I wrote about the participation of SICIS, the mosaic art factory. What I still haven't mentioned on MOSAICOLOGY, however - and I am glad to get the chance to do it just now - is the truly gifted American mosaic artist Sara Baldwin who's going to be in Bologna with Giovanni Barbieri, Italy's maesto of material and form.

Find out more about their joint work and view the invitation to the event, where they will be introducing a new collection that blends Tuscan terracotta and Murano glass, here.

PS: I might be able to help if you need an English or Greek INTERPRETER in BOLOGNA during the Cersaie event. Email me so I can get in touch with you.

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