Friday, September 21, 2012

Random mosaic mirror #2

Marble and smalti mosaic mirror made by Vivi and Evi, two girls of an elementary school

You won't believe if I told you this mirror was created by children of Elementary school. I actually got this from their school's website HERE where you will see more of their work. They have an amazing mosaic teacher but, beyond that, the talent of these kids is incredible. The site is in Greek (the school is on the outskirts of Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city) but all you need to do is look at the pictures of the mosaics to realise that mosaic art, when possible, is a great way to help children develop their skills of understanding and shaping the world and of being creative while learning to be patient. Really patient.

I adore the combination of blue and brown. Blue is elegant and calm and it goes everywhere. It's the colour of "trust" and often chosen by businesses and corporations. Brown means stability; it connects us with the earth and nature. The two colours together give a message of wholeness with blue being the colour of the sky and brown the colour of the earth.

Mosaic mirrors are popular objects for mosaic decoration. They give a special sparkle. They are easy to make which is one of the reasons why those wanting to begin learning mosaics could start with a small mosaic mirror project.

1 comment:

  1. Καλό φθινόπωρο!!!
    Τα είδα όλα, σου έστειλα μήνυμα το πήρες;
    Περιμένω νέα σου, και μένα μου έλειψες πολύ!!!


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