Friday, October 14, 2011

Meeting Eric aka Bored Neoclassical Guy

Sorry about the dark photo. I was undercover. I had to meet Eric in order to pass on a message about something amazing that was going to happen in the world of mosaic art. My cover was blown when my daughter started waving the bottle in front of the camera.

Eric aka Bored Neoclassical Guy is into mosaics and precious stones and blogs about all sorts of things with a humorous edge and wit. Eric has also received a customised Follower Award from me time ago and once made a sweater inspired by one of my posts. Check it out here.

We met on a very humid and terribly hot day. We spoke about many things, shared views on mosaic art and blogging and history etc. I feel privileged to know Eric. And I also feel privileged to see he truly appreciates my work and way of thinking.

Last but not least, there is a possibility of doing some mosaic work together.

Read what Eric has to say about the meeting here.


  1. Glad for you to meet with such a remarkable persons!
    Definitely will result in some good cooperation!
    Tanti saluti

  2. I am happy you are happy!
    Here's a blog award for you as well:

  3. It was so great to meet you all in person. :)
    Look at that bottle, your daughter can sometimes be a little tornado, haha.
    Yes, undercover, good!

  4. Thanks so much for your comment today on katiedid! You have a beautiful blog, and I can't wait to explore. I loved your photos from your previous post. Beautiful grotto!

  5. Its great meeting other bloggers - I have done it a few times and it feels as though you already know each other...


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