Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mosaic Fountains

Pompeii, mosaic fountain
Hercules and Iolaus mosaic fountain from Anzio Nymphaeum
Museo Nazionale Romano
Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, Rome via
modern version, via
mosaic fountain by Marco Bravura

I love fountains, I love water

The last fountain is a work of a Ravenna artist whose work I admire greatly, Marco Bravura, and it is in fact a mosaic-carpet fountain! Can you image the work and project/technical management involved here?

Would love to make a mosaic fountain?I found some instructions here on e-how. Worth reading


  1. Pretty pretty! I have had many Art History classes so I know alot about Mosaics. I love your site! Have a fabulous day.

    [ keep calm & blog on ] xo Katy

  2. Amazing photos, so inspiring! A true oasis :)

  3. nothing beats the pompeii shot! Great post..

  4. I am glad you loved them!

    Theresa, you are so right! Pompeii and mosaic will always remain associated. We have learned so many things from the city under the ashes. Come to think of it, I should do a post on Pompeii soon...


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