Saturday, February 26, 2011

Let's take a yacht ride (and enjoy some ancient mosaic boats)

The above dutch yacht has been considered one of the best yachts of 2010 and there is absolutely no surprise in that. If I ever win the lottery I would buy something like this and I would then embellish it with mosaics just like Onassis (a post I did last summer). The theme would probably be a sea mermaid or a pink octopus. But I also like the idea of patterns, perhaps composed of little sea shells or sea horses. Wow.

Now let us go back around 2000 years. I love sudden shifts and changes. They trigger all that inspiring energy in me for more creativity!! A mosaic of a boat dated 1st century AD.


This next one shows Ulysses at sea.

Through my blog I keep discovering how life can be linked to mosaic in so many ways!


  1. What a lovely theme..boat history in mosaics! One of my student in doing a boat - its really lovely.

  2. The boat in the second photo is great. I want one.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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