Friday, July 9, 2010

Patmos: The land of the Apocalypse

Patmos. The island where the Apocalypse was written. I have visited the island 4 or 5 years ago and the air you breathe there is different than any other place. Indeed a holy man had been there and a remarkable event had occurred. On the island you can view one of the few rare examples of micromosaics of all times. It's a mosaic icon of St.Nicholas located in the museum at the Monastery of St.John.

The pictures you see here are taken from picasa web and they come from personal albums. The first two wall mosaics are to be found on the exterior above an entrance to the Monastery (1st pic) and the site of the cave of the Apocalypse  (2nd pic). The 3rd picture is a view of the port town Skala. The last picture is a view of the Monastery. Mesmerising just to look at ..imagine being there!

Here's a website on Patmos with more pictures, though tiny ones, but with general information on the island

A bit more of this gem of the Greek blue seas:

Places like this one are ideal for a creative life - soothe your soul and trigger inspiration - often divine, if that is what you seek.


  1. One day I must MUst MUST visit Greece and definitely to Patmos Island, thanks for sharing these pics, they are so beautiful and awe inspiring, great post as always my friend :), happy weekend, xoxo, Jemina

  2. Si si parlo italiano e tu ? E 'una bella lingua ...:)

    Thank you for your nice coment .

  3. Mesmerizing... you said the right word!!! As a passionate lover of the Greek Islands and the Aegean Sea you make me dream.... Thank you for a wonderful post!

  4. I always learn something new in your blog! Didn't knew the Apocalypses was written there!

    The place is AMAZING, daydreaming of having a big studio with that view haha

    By the way, where are you from?
    Are you greek? italian? from somewhere else?


  5. Greece is number one of my list. It's been for years. I haven't made it there yet...but my gosh I will! Santorini and Patmos. Oh heavens...someday. Thanks for the wonderful, dreamy post!

  6. Η σημερινή σου ανάρτηση με γεμίζει ιδιαίτερη χαρά αλλά και νοσταλγία. Η Πάτμος είναι το αγαπημένο μου νησί !!! Ακριβώς πριν ένα μήνα ήμουνα εκεί για πέμπτη φορά μετά από την πρώτη μου επίσκεψη , τρανή απόδειξη της μυστηριακής έλξης που εκπέμπει στον κάθε επισκέπτη το νησί αυτό. Συμφωνώ απόλυτα με το σχόλιο σου και εύχομαι σύντομα να ξαναβεθώ στην μαγευτική Χώρα , στην Σκάλα , στον Κάμπο , στον Γροίκο , στις καταπληκτικές παραλίες , στα κατανυκτικά μοναστήρια και κυρίως στο Σπήλαιο της Αποκάλυψης , ένα από τα πιο ενεργειακά και μυστηριακά μέρη που έχω επισκεφτεί !!! Καλό σου Σαββατοκυρίακο και καλή συνέχεια στις πάντα όμορφες αναρτήσεις σου...

  7. Would you believe I have never been there? :(
    Almost feel ashamed to admit it...

  8. Without question this place would invoke so much inspiration and thought. I can't imagine what it might be like. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your kind comments - made me smile most definitely. =)

  9. That's absolutely gorgeous! Greece is one of my favorite places on the earth.

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! xo

  10. Great piece and so wonderful to have found your blog. I am a huge Greek island fan and will be leaving shortly for two new islands. Can't wait. I have heard many special things about Patmos. Love your blog. Carla

  11. Amazing! I always dream of visiting Greece if only for the stunning views. And food. Oh, the food must be amazing also!

  12. Beautiful inspiration place indeed! Great photos and wish I could be there right now! xoxo

  13. Mosaicista AppassionataJuly 17, 2010 at 1:40 PM

    I wish to thank everybody for their comments and kindness.

  14. Would love to visit one day...sounds divine indeed!

  15. Waauw, can't wait till i'm going to italy myself!

  16. I have studied the writings of John and the book of is a credit to our Greek Heritage♥
    The apostle John writes in the beginning of his book of Revelation:"Happy is the one who reads this book, and happy are those who listen to the words of this prophetic message and obey what is written in this book"
    Greece has a treasure, and we are blessed by it. The appreciation of such beauty cannot be purchased with money, it can only be treasured in the heart and soul of the believer♥
    THank you for this exquisite post!


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