Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Riding the panther (musings inspired by a mosaic from Delos)

The epoch we have found ourselves to live in requires that we have the power to manage each second of our life as if we were machines. We have to "know" but not learn, to take it easy but not muse over, to share with others what lies between our conscious and imposed "is this me-this has to be me" self. An "epoch" (need inverted commas now) which is getting old and consumed before it´s new.

We constantly need to prove we can juggle riding the panther, holding the spear and playing the drum. I am offering no reccomendations here but only a hint of what I feel is right. Learn to be diplomatic and think again. Are you riding in your race or someone else´s? Make sure it´s yours.

mosaic from Delos, Greek island near Santorini, famous for its mosaics, featuring Dionysos

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today the weather was good so I took my daughter in the park and took these pictures. Aren't fallen leaves a work of art? I really liked the last pic!

Friday, November 4, 2011

NY Times special report on mosaic art

RAVENNA, ITALY — Mosaic is one of the oldest of the decorative arts and developed into one of the most spectacular. From humble beginnings in such forms as pebbles pressed in patterns into beaten earth floors, at its high points during Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine times mosaic became a sophisticated fine art in itself. 

Read the whole article here

PS. Mosaicology is now on Twitter..I guess I will be twitting a lot more often than blogging at the moment..... Click on the T button to follow me!